On New Year's Day, I watched Arachnophobia on Hulu. I hadn’t seen it since I was like 7 or 8, and it freaked me out then. I still found the movie creepy, especially since it was obvious they used real spiders a lot, but really liked it, it held up well as being mostly horror with some ironic humor, with Jeff Daniels having this everyday man affable charm and John Goodman as this exterminator superhero that feels like he’s outside of the movie in a way.
I had misremembered some scenes, like remembering the spiders in the shower scene but thinking the spiders were coming out of the shower head onto the girl, or thinking that John Goodman had blasted spiders with a flamethrower pack, when it was really Jeff Daniels with a makeshift flamethrower using a lighter and wine bottles.
I had recognized the guy who played the medical examiner, but not knowing where from, and it was knawing at me during the movie. I checked it afterwards, and he was in Total Recall as the guy whose sweating convinces Quaid that he’s in the real world and not a Recall fantasy.
I did like reading the IMDB trivia afterwards, like how they used real spiders that look scary but were harmless or non-poisonous, and took safety measures to protect them during the scenes, like having hollowed out shoes or books to keep them safe whenever someone squishes them. And that Steven Spielberg, the producer, hides in the backseat of Goodman’s truck in a scene, as an unseen cameo, that was cute
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